“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” ― William Morris
Anna is a Cornish silversmith and maille maker who holds a BA (Hons) in Silversmithing and Jewellery and is also a Bishopsland Fellow. It was during studying on the degree that Anna realised her love for both silversmithing and maille making.
Anna’s inspiration is drawn from intuitions based on traditional silversmithing methods of raising, chasing & repoussé. These cognitions dictate how the metal reacts. Implemented simply by the togetherness of the maker and her hammer, these skills interweave creating equally tactile and functional silver tableware from cups to beakers, bowls, and cutlery.
It is important for Anna to be able to showcase her work alongside other makers as well as being able to reach the right audience. Anna likes to be actively involved and share her passion for her crafts through demos and workshops. The potential opportunities to promote the crafts and her work are an incredibly important aspect as a maker as is being able to meet and support fellow makers.
Anna also works to commission, please contact her using the link above to discuss your requirements.
All items that can be seen on this site can be bought from Anna.
Other items will be on her stand, at makers fairs.